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Members-Only Benefits

Get all the fun delivered to your doorstep (or a friend) on the regular + enjoy up to 25% off! Select a flexible quarterly or prepaid membership (6 or 12-month options) + we’ll send you the latest Air Dry or Ceramic Pottery with a Purpose kit every three months at a discount… plus tons of member perks to upgrade your experience + a FREE bonus gift!

As a Member, You Get

deeper discounts

Enjoy 15-25% off the kit price with a flexible quarterly or prepaid membership (6 or 12-month) + 10% off all add-ons

Additional tutorials

Build your pottery skills with access to exclusive, in-depth “how to” videos

Firing & Glazing Deals

Live near our Needham, MA headquarters? We’ll fire + glaze your piece at a special discounted rate!

Donation to a non-profit

Be the first to shop brand new kit + product releases every quarter (see FAQ’s below to learn why we release every 3 months)

Quarterly members will be charged upon purchase of their first kit, and then every 3 months afterward (just before their next kit ships). Membership auto-renews. Notification is sent via email prior to payment. Cancel or skip a month at any time.

Prepaid members pay once upon purchase of 6 or 12-month membership. Does not auto-renew. Prepaid membership is non-refundable + cannot be paused.

We aim to ship our membership kits during the 3rd week of each month. Depending on the carrier, you can expect it to arrive near the end of every 3rd month after your order date.

Part of our mission is to encourage slower, more mindful living in the midst of a fast-paced world. We find that sending a new kit every 3 months allows you time to go more in-depth with the techniques and truly get a feel for the craft. Plus, sculpting requires patience, as there are various steps that go into making each piece that can’t be rushed. For example, it takes up to 2 weeks for ceramic clay to totally dry out before firing - then, it needs to be fired twice for 8+ hours each time. These waiting periods only add to the fulfillment of seeing your finished piece! Enjoy the process.

Any additional accessories purchased will be held and shipped with your quarterly kit. If you’d like those items sooner, please note this on your order. Note that separate shipping charges may apply.

Yes! For quarterly memberships: if you’d like to switch up your next quarterly kit, log in to the customer portal to easily update your order.

For 6 or 12-month memberships: email us at and we can help update your next order.

NOTE: Because kit prices differ, you can expect a refund/additional charge to your original form of payment (for 6 or 12-month prepaid members) OR an adjustment to your next payment (quarterly members).

For quarterly memberships: you are eligible to cancel or pause your membership anytime after receiving your first two quarterly kits (which are non-refundable). We’ll be sure to send an email notification before every charge. After your first six months of membership, simply log in to the customer portal to skip, reschedule, or cancel deliveries.

For 6 or 12-month memberships: these are prepaid and cannot be cancelled or refunded.

Questions about your membership? Email us at

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Get 15% off your first order + be the first to know about new product releases and more!
